Who's in for an Intense Abs in 30 Days Workout Challenge at home. We're going to be working into all layers of the core muscles with a 5 minute home workout every single day, for 30 Days!
It's only 5 minutes and you don't even need any equipment. Everyone can fit 5 minutes into their day, so what are you waiting for. Let's work into a flat toned tummy and burn that core.

Hey, guys, I'm Bridget, I'm a bikini model here in Florida and I bet you'll be wondering what I'm wearing so what I'm wearing is a company called Drip Fitness. Is from

And it's designed to protect your joints so this product is really great for those who do the heavy lifting. It will also be good for beginners who you know sometimes.

When you are starting out if you have a weak wrist, it is really helpful to help you as well as to help those with arthritis, it is all about the support in your wrists, your knees. And all your joints on the elbows

These are high-quality products if you use them you know if you like them if you can afford them and if you don't, the company does not offer a 30-day return guarantee. If you like them, you think this is something that can help you. Check out the link below in the gym,

And there is a website where you can find the right product by clicking on it, so, we are going to do a dumbbell squat. This one curl will be good for your biceps, it will also be good for your legs and in your butt, I'm going to tell you how to show these things. Are going to start in a much broader position here.

You want the weight between your legs so it's a squat curl until we're failing to do that. Make sure you're keeping the range of the color emotions moving while we're 13 So if we're at 14, we're doing this Eiffel. Make sure the weight is right here. 18 18 I'm a little weak on my arms, so 20 are sitting right, ready to go on the next exercise. We are sitting free.

Okay so next we have barbell squats. We are going to fail. Exactly. You want the width of your feet. Also, we are going to go down one two three four five 67 eight nine 10 so failure 19: 20. It's good for your glutes 28 29 30 for a little challenge pulse.

And okay, well, next we're going to do some tropes. It's going to help your joints, and your wrists are also going to help you in timely and turn them straight into ready, So failure three fours down the way six, seven eight nine 10 11 1213 push yourself 14 15 five more 16 17 18 19 19 more 20 rumors

One right next, we're going to be ready in our presses one two three four four six eight nine 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 the last one 20 okay now I'm going to work on my back and arms, so, we Dumbbells are going to do rows so make sure your back is straight I need to do one thing until failure

Make sure you're pressing on to the Top 25 right now and we're ready to squeeze that birth. 18 1825 Well we're going to end this workout with some bench dips for trips.

Make sure your arms are going to be slightly bent over your shoulder width apart from your shoulders upright until you fail straight. Well, you guys are fine. I hope you guys enjoy this exercise again. These are some amazing exercises. Check out the link below for your trip fitness at home and at the gym.

30-day Fitness Challenge – DAY 6: Workout Plan To Stay In Shape At Home

INTENSE ABS in 30 Days CHALLENGE πŸ”₯  Day 1

It’s Sunday. Rise and shine to ace your Day 6 fitness challenge with GQ and Prakash Amritraj.

We’ve spent the last five days building our bodies up with the help of basic chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps and leg home workout routines. Today, we’re taking on the "core" with three easy and weight-free exercises (read: no 2-liter water bottles required today).

Wait, no bottles, so what do we need for Day 6? “Just a little space on the floor,” states Amritraj, to practice the below three exercises.

Exercise 1: Crunches

While there are many variations of crunches for flawless abs, four sets (of 12-15 reps) of ab crunches, daily, are a great way to work your core. Start by lying down on your back, bend your knees and keep your arms stretched in front of you. Slowly, start lifting your upper body off the floor or mat and hold this position for a few seconds before coming back to the ground, and repeat. This exercise also helps burn excess belly fat and love handles.

Exercise 2: Leg Raises

Lie on your back and keep your legs straight. Slowly, lift them up – just above the ground or a little higher (if you can manage) and hold them there for 5-10 seconds. Bring your legs down and repeat. Each "raise" counts as a rep. Aim to complete four sets with 12-15 repetitions.

Exercise 3: Planks

Planking is great for your core, abs, back, and shoulders. Lie on the floor with your forearms and toes on the ground. Keep your body straight and hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Aim to do as many as you can without disrupting your form. Take a look at Amritraj’s form and technique for Day 6's home workout routine here:

'I Tried Jennifer Lopez's Abs Routine And Here's What Happened'

Fact: Jennifer Lopez may be a freakin' goddess with rock hard abs. Also fact: I'm a freakin' goddess with abs that are but hard (and that's, like, totally fine). Plenty of people (myself included) are thirsting over J.Lo and her toned AF core for years, and there is no doubt why. From Hustlers to her Super Bowl performance to her Instagram posts that make me drool on the reg, I simply haven't any choice but to stan this 50-year-old, six-pack flaunting angel.

That being said, ~I couldn't help but wonder~ just how hard it might be to try to to a week's worth of abs routines a bit like Jenny from the Block herself. She's def got all the resources within the world when it involves trainers, dietitians, and, um, time to exercise. Basically, when it is your job to possess abs, you create damn sure that you've got those abs, regardless of the value. But what about me, the abdominal-philistine? Could I, a mere mortal, manage to core train like J.Lo? In the name of all that is Women's Health, I decided to give it a try.

According to J.Lo's trainer Dodd Romero, the actress features a pretty intense abs routine. That being said, I played soccer in college, have lifted plenty over the years and, ~not to brag~, but I've just about been an athlete all my life. TLDR; I used to be quite confident that I could handle the task, regardless of how "hard." Psh.

So yeah, I thought I'd be fine. I was not fine. I didn't get past five or six reps of the hanging abs raises, which needs you to hold from a bar and lift your legs up to hip height using just your core strength, before I used to be severely struggling. (My! Abs! Were! *Burning*!) It's safe to mention my expectations for myself having the ability to knock out a circuit J.Lo's been working up to for years were way too high, and so I reduced each set by 10-15 reps. Even then, I had to take long-ass breaks in order to finish the whole thing.

Basically, an abs routine that I assumed wouldn't take me quite 25 or half-hour took me an hour if less ...And I only did about half as many reps as J.Lo does on the reg. The next day, I felt like I'd been punched within the gut *multiple times*. It was only the primary day of my exercise experiment, and so far it wasn't wealthy, lol.

Day Two: Intro To Pole Dancing

Kk, so we all know that J.Lo is pretty sick at pole dancing. She had to practice such a lot for her movie Hustlers (obv) and for her half-time Super Bowl performance. it had been only fair that I, too, tried to pole dance, so I took my skills (or, um, lack thereof?) to Body & Pole located in Manhattan's Flatiron District (don't worry folks, this was all pre-quarantine!). one among the studio's own trainers, Irmingard Mayer, actually performed alongside J.Lo during the pole portion of her halftime show (goals). She said that training for the ensemble could only be described as intense.

That being said, Irmingard assured me that when it involves beginner-level classes (I was enrolled in "Intro to Pole"), there was mostly attention on basic body coordination like "figuring out your weight distribution and knowing the because of engaging different muscle groups," she explained. Okay!

Engage different muscle groups, I did. I and my already-sore abdominals took to learning a bunch of different core-focused moves like how to sexily grind my body along the floor (hah), saunter around the pole (it's not intuitive, lol), and jump into an airborne "spin" around the ingot then land gracefully on your knees. Was it easy? Nope. Was it fun? Very.

At one point within the class, I used to be asked to demo said aerial spin...In front of everyone. I did my best to channel J.Lo altogether her Hustlers' glory, but what really happened was that I aroused circling the pole with a cringe-y AF screech as my skin rubbed against the metal. My "jump" failed and my stomach hit the ground, making a ~loud slap noise~. I handle embarrassment sort of a pro, though, and that I proceeded to loudly laugh during a not-at-all-awkward way while my face got super red. So TBH, pole workouts are hard as hell. It def takes someone who is super-comfortable in their body to gyrate on a metal pole ahead of strangers for a 90-minute-long class. It also takes a LOT of core and arm strength. Do you know how hard it is to hold up your own bodyweight? Hint: my body was *shaking*. I can't even imagine having to look sexy during this, too. I could barely crack a smile while the beads of sweat dripped down my face.

Day Three: Hot Yoga

When I awakened the morning after pole dancing, my abs were shot. They told me to lie TF down and go back to sleep. But alas, I had somewhere to be, specifically a hot yoga studio, since apparently, that is what J.Lo does on her active recovery days.

I walked over to the Y7 Yoga Studio within the East Village and unrolled my mat to require a "WeFlowHard Vinyasa" session. I hadn't done hot yoga (or any quite yoga) in years, but the Y7 studio itself was *chef's kiss* beautiful, and everything was decorated in an aesthetically pleasing black and white color combo, so I felt very (breath in) at peace (breathe out).

I entered the dark, hot, candle-lit classroom and therefore the vibes seemed V chill. Everyone was lying down flat on their backs and just breathing. Kk, I could get on board with this. But then the trainer walked in and ran us through pose after pose while A Tribe Called Quest bumped within the background.

That. Sh*t. Was. Hard. My already-dead core throbbed with every chaturanga push-up. The downward dog felt like taking a knife to my hamstrings. But the part that was actually the hardest? Grappling with the very fact that this was alleged to be J.Lo's "off-day" sort of exercise. Hot yoga (for me) was easily the hardest workout yet!!! WTF!

That said, I walked out of the class Zen, at least. (I had no other choice. I could barely think, let alone move, lol). I woke up the next morning sorer than I'd felt in months.

Day Four: J.Lo TikTok Challenge

After three days of absolute intensity, it's safe to say that I and my abs needed a day to recoup. I looked in the mirror. Sadly, no six-pack yet. What could I do that would still give me J. Lo vibes but didn't make me, um, die? The answer: TikTok.

I was drawn to the #JLoSuperBowlChallenge videos gracing the app, which consisted of individuals trying to mimic one a part of her "On The Floor" song during the Super Bowl routine—if you don't think dancing counts as fitness, watching J.Lo's halftime show will set you straight. There's a lot of jumping involved. A lot of hand-waving. A ton of cardio. I thought hey, I can do this! I'm in my 20s! Life's short baby!

Well, if anyone's ever tried to inform you that learning TikTok dances isn't hard, they're freaking lying to you. I. Was. Sweating.

TikTok is a skill. You have to practice the dance a million different times to make sure that you're doing the right moves and doing them on the beat. I also attempted other "J.Lo TikTok Challenges" that consisted of various moves, but they were even harder than the one I settled on, so I won't be gracing the internet with those cringe-worthy videos.

Basically, after about 300 tries and getting my boyfriend's 15-year-old sister to steer me through the way to create video effects, I gave up and accepted that I'm not Charli D'Amelio nor will I ever be. My final product was pretty rough, but also #wholesome. Success?

Day Five: J.Lo's Abs Circuit Round Two

On my Judgment Day, it had been time on behalf of me to check out my abs one last time by repeating the circuit from day one. Would I improve?

I'll admit that I dreaded this moment all week, and therefore the best way that I can sum up that final abs workout is as follows: It wasn't pretty. I was so sore from the previous days that I had even more trouble finishing this circuit than I did the primary time. Mid-round two, I decided to just give up. I have nothing to prove!!!!

In conclusion, J.Lo's abs routine is very hard. I'd say it's actually near impossible unless you've got an abundance of your time and money to expertly plan your workouts so you'll train consistently enough to create her baseline of core strength. I have none of those things, but it's okay, being J.Lo for a few days was good enough.

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